We celebrated Christmas a bit differently this year. Instead of going to one of our parent's house on Christmas, we decided to stay at our own home and start finding our own family traditions. We did get to celebrate with our families, however, just at different times. We started out by celebrating Christmas with Granny and Papa a couple weeks before Christmas, when they came up for a Sunday service. Then, the week before Christmas, we went to Grandma and Grandpa's house to celebrate Christmas with them. On Christmas Eve, we went to an intimate little service at church, and then got to relax and hang out here at home on Christmas. It was low key and low pressure, just right. For our Christmas dinner I let the crock pot do the work and made Cornish Game Hens with vegetables and a green bean casserole. I love green bean casserole. The french onions really make the dish. Here are some of our Christmas season photos, enjoy! Oh, thrown into the mix of all that was a talent show at church, so there is a picture from that as well.
Christmas sword fight

Christmas Hippie Fairy
Christmas Princess
Taking pictures with his new camera, mostly blurry and of his feet.:)
Christmas Prince
Matching Christmas Beauties. Cadence received this adorable shirt and tutu from Granny for her birthday. When I saw that Old Navy had the same outfit in Aria's size, I couldn't resist.
Christmas Pixie and Princess in training
The kids all wore their matching Christmas monkey p.j.'s to the church talent show. On the way over Cadence asked, "Is everyone going to wear their monkey p.j.'s?". I told her they didn't make them in adult size. Cadence and Finn loved running around the church and eating cookies. Everytime Brad would go up to MC, they would
follow him. They loved the attention...and the cookies. After eating lots of sugar and running around the church, they crashed as soon as they got home.
This is our friend, Dawn, playing the accordian, or "accordian piano" as Cadence calls it. Cadence got so excited when she saw Dawn up there playing. She started to clap for her even before she played.
I love Aria's tutu and shirt! Such cute Christmas princesses! I'm so glad you are excited about establishing your own traditions. That's VERY fun!
ReplyDeleteGreat photos!
What a fun holiday bash it was. I'm proud to say that Finn won the sword fight and am so thankful for our wonderful family. xoxo