

Each member of our family is so different, like individual components of a symphony. But, like a symphony, each part is important to the overall structure and sound of the piece. We all work together to make a beautiful sound...our family. Just as the Lord knit us together in the womb, He is now knitting us together as a family, for His glory, outside the womb.

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Monday, January 6, 2014

New Slippers...again

 I wasn't happy with the last pair of thrummed slippers I made.  They were a little small and not as cozy as my first pair that I made.  I liked the thrumming, though, so I decided to take my first slipper pattern and add thrums.  Voila!  New slippers that are comfy cozy.  If you haven't tried thrumming, it's a fun and easy technique to learn.

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