

Each member of our family is so different, like individual components of a symphony. But, like a symphony, each part is important to the overall structure and sound of the piece. We all work together to make a beautiful sound...our family. Just as the Lord knit us together in the womb, He is now knitting us together as a family, for His glory, outside the womb.

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

First Day of School

This week, Cadence and Finn had their first days of preschool.  Cadence returned on Monday for her last year of preschool.  She slipped right back into the routine, no problem.  I'm going to be helping in her class every Monday, so it was fun and helpful to see what she learns and how her teacher runs the class, since the kids tend to leave a lot out when you ask them to tell you about their day.  I think it will be useful for me to see how her teacher runs the classroom to give me tips and ideas for when we start homeschool next year.
Tuesday, we dropped Finn off and he went right to playing with the other kids.  No problem leaving mom, Cadence and Aria.  He was pretty excited.  When we picked him up he was eager to talk about all he had learned and the activities he did. 
So, it was a successful start and Aria is adjusting to being woken up and thrown into the car every morning.
Also, this week, Cadence started going to her farm class.  It's a four week class that the rec center offers and she will get to learn things about the farm animals and life on a farm.  In her first class, she got to feed some pigs, chickens and a rooster.  She also got to make her own snack and brought home a brown egg as a souvenir (which we hard boiled and she colored with crayons).  At some point in the class she will get to milk a cow and ride a pony.  She had a good time.  Finn will take a farm class in a few weeks that is for his age group.


  1. Ah! Wonderful return to school times! You are the queen of wonderful and loving mothers. I am desperately in love with you. ~brad

  2. How fun! The farm class sounds fantastic!
